Russian song of the week

Nature Has No Bad Weather - Office Romance

У природы нет плохой погоды – Служебный роман (1977)

In 1977, in Moscow, at the premiere of the film “Office Romance“, viewers first heard and fell in love with the song “Nature Has No Bad Weather”.

The lyrics for the song were written by the director and co-author of the movie script, Eldar Ryazanov (according to him, he read through a lot of verses of famous poets, but didn’t find anything that would fit). He handed his lyrics over to the composer of the movie, Andrei Petrov, having said that they were written by the English poet William Blake. The composer did not suspect anything, but when he learned who was the true author, many poems of famous poets offered by Ryazanov later seemed to him to be verses of Ryazanov himself.

The song became a laureate of the “Song-78” festival.

In the movie the song is preformed by the actress herself, Alisa Freindlich.

As it often happens with the content from Mosfilm, it is impossible to display it on other sites. So please follow this link to listen to the song.

Lyrics and translation

  • У приро́ды нет плохо́й пого́ды,
    Ка́ждая пого́да благода́ть,
    Дождь ли снег, любо́е вре́мя года –
    На́до благода́рно принима́ть.

  • Nature does not have bad weather,
    Every weather is a grace,
    Rain or snow, any time of the year -
    We must gratefully accept them.

  • О́тзвуки душе́вной непого́ды,
    В се́рдце одино́чества печа́ть,
    И бессо́нниц го́рестные всхо́ды
    На́до благода́рно принима́ть.

  • Echoes of bad weather in one's soul,
    The seal of solitude in the heart,
    And woeful seedlings of insomnia -
    We must gratefully accept them.

  • Смерть жела́ний, го́ды и невзго́ды,
    С ка́ждым днём всё непоси́льней кладь,
    Что тебе́ назна́чено приро́дой
    На́до благода́рно принима́ть.

  • Dying wishes, years and tribulations,
    The load is havier day after day,
    What is assigned to you by nature -
    We must gratefully accept it.

  • Сме́ну лет, зака́ты и восхо́ды,
    И любви́ после́дней благода́ть,
    Как и да́ту своего́ ухо́да
    На́до благода́рно принима́ть.

  • Change of years, sunsets and sunrises,
    And the grace of the last love,
    And the date of one's passing away -
    We must gratefully accept them.

  • У приро́ды нет плохо́й пого́ды,
    Ход времён нельзя́ останови́ть,
    О́сень жи́зни, как и о́сень года,
    На́до не скорбя́ благослови́ть.

  • Nature has no bad weather,
    The passage of time cannot be stopped,
    The fall of life, like the fall of the year,
    Need to be blessed without sorrow.

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