Russian song of the week

Grass by the Home - Earthlings (1982)

Трава у дома – Земляне (1982)

“Grass by the Home” was written by Vladimir Migulya and Anatoly Poperechny. The most famous it became when it was performed by the band “Earthlings”. The song became the laureate of the XIII All-Union Television Festival of Soviet Songs “Song-83”.

The song was so loved by the astronauts that it became their unofficial anthem. For a long time, “Grass by the Home” performed by “Earthlings” invariably sounds before each launch of the spacecraft, when the crew leaves the hotel to the bus which then takes them to the launch site of the cosmodrome.

In 2009, by the decision of Roscosmos, the song was given the official public status of “Anthem of the Russian Cosmonautics”.

Lyrics and translation

  • Земля́ в иллюмина́торе,
    Земля́ в иллюмина́торе,
    Земля́ в иллюмина́торе видна́...
    Как сын грусти́т о ма́тери,
    Как сын грусти́т о ма́тери,
    Грусти́м мы о земле́ - она́ одна́.
    А звёзды тем не ме́нее,
    А звёзды тем не ме́нее,
    Чуть бли́же, но всё та́кже хо́лодны
    И как в часы́ затме́ния,
    И как в часы́ затме́ния
    Ждём све́та
    И земны́е ви́дим сны.

  • Earth in the porthole
    Earth in the porthole
    I can see the Earth in the porthole...
    How a son misses his mother,
    How a son misses his mother,
    We miss the Earth - it is the only one.
    And the stars nonetheless,
    And the stars nonetheless
    Are a little closer but still cold.
    And like during an eclipse,
    And like during an eclipse
    We are waiting for light
    And see earthly dreams.

  • И сни́тся нам не ро́кот космодро́ма,
    Не э́та ледяна́я синева́.
    А сни́тся нам трава́, трава́ у до́ма,
    Зелёная, зелёная трава́.

  • We dream not about the roar of the spaceport,
    Not about this icy blue space.
    We dream of grass, grass by the home,
    Green, green grass.

  • А мы лети́м орби́тами,
    Путя́ми неизбитыми
    Проши́т метеори́тами просто́р.
    Опра́вдан риск и му́жество,
    Косми́ческая му́зыка
    Вплыва́ет в делово́й наш разгово́р.
    В како́й-то ды́мке ма́товой
    Земля́ в иллюмина́торе,
    Вече́рняя и ра́нняя заря́.
    А сын грусти́т о ма́тери,
    А сын грусти́т о ма́тери
    Ждёт сы́на мать, а
    А сынове́й - Земля́.

  • And we fly in orbits,
    Undiscovered paths,
    The space is stitched with meteorites.
    Risk and courage are valued,
    Space music
    Swims into our business conversation.
    Earth in the porthole is
    In some matte haze,
    Sunset and dawn.
    And the son is missing his mother,
    And the son is missing his mother,
    A mother is waiting for her son,
    And the Earth is waiting for her sons.

  • И сни́тся нам не ро́кот космодро́ма,
    Не э́та ледяна́я синева́.
    А сни́тся нам трава́, трава́ у до́ма,
    Зелёная, зелёная трава́.

  • We dream not about the roar of the spaceport,
    Not about this icy blue space.
    We dream of grass, grass by the home,
    Green, green grass.

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