Russian joke of the week

That’s why I respect you!

– Слышь, Вась, а ты коня́ на ска́ку мог бы останови́ть?
– Ты чё, Вань?
– А в горя́щую и́збу войти́?
– Ты чё, Вань?
– Вот за э́то я тебя́ и уважа́ю!
– За чё Вань?
– За то, Вась, что ты не ба́ба!


In English

- Hey, Vasya, could you stop a galloping horse?
- What are you talking about, Vanya?
- Or enter a burning hut?
- What are you talking about, Vanya?
- That's why I respect you!
- Why, Vanya?
- Because you are not a woman!


To understand this joke, one needs to know the lines from a poem of N. Nekrason "Мороз, красный нос" (Frost, red nose):

Есть женщины в русских селеньях...
...В беде — не сробеет, — спасёт,
Коня на скаку остановит,
В горящую избу войдёт...

There are women in Russian villages ...
In trouble, she will not get frightened but save,
She will stop a galloping horse,
And enter a burning hut...

The commonly known version of these lines sounds as follows:

"Русская баба коня на ходу остановит и в горящую избу войдёт."
"The Russian woman will stop a galloping and enter the burning hut."

"Женщина" in this phrase is replace with the word "баба" (colloqiual vesion of "women", similar to "мужчина - мужик"). At the same time, the word "баба" can sound slightly disrespectful as it is often used when talking about common negative cliches of women's behavior.

In the joke, Vanya asks Vasya if he could do such heroic things as described in the poem. And when Vasya replies no, he turns it around and finds the reason to respect his friend anyway because he is not a "баба" in the "cliche" sense.
Please note that we do not necessarily agree with some of the messages implied in the jokes we publish. However, if the joke can be found funny under a certain angle, we choose to include it in our selection.
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